[Honda-C70] Re: I accidentally my pilot screw I think


Nevermind about the pilot screw I just put my 2nd one it & it was perfect. It DID, however, get me thinking about the possibility of getting a PGM-FI assembly from a honda dealership (maybe call up Honda Japan & see if they'll ship internationally, it'd be one triumph for my conversational Japanese to be that good though) & get it reprogrammed to work on my C70...

--- In Honda-C70@yahoogroups.com, "Jean Luc Picard" <atari2600a@...> wrote:
> So, one of two things is happening:
> 1) The decent amount of gas I've spilled on the head has come back to haunt me in the form of a bit of smoke, or
> 2) I've stripped my pilot screw & now the gas is too rich, which actually would explain the new deep noise...
> I have another carburetor but I can't guarantee it won't have the same problem. I'm not good with brass screws it would seem...do the chinese replacements have this problem with brass adjustment screws? Should I be using #88 or #90 for an '81 (does it really matter?)?
> The reason I'm afraid of investing in simply a new screw is I have no guarantee the carb's threading is still intact, & that's like $20 after shipping...

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