Re: [Honda-C70] Re: Opps


The opps was supposed to be a part of a previous email.  The bike is a C70 Passport, 1981 vintage.  The carb is an after market carb from dratv.  What I was asking is where the float level should be set with this carb, if anyone knows.  I think it is different due to the carb design.  It was set from the factory as low as it could go.  I set it to the Honda spec, .45" if my memory is good today, and it over flowed when parked.  The needle is a different taper then the Honda carb so I am not sure the middle groove on the needle is correct either.  The lowest groove was the factory setting and would allow the most fuel flow.  I did set it to the middle groove once and it did not run as good as the lower groove.  I am going to check the main jet and put in the Honda jet if it is a different size.  I think the Honda size was 90 but I can not find a number on either jet.

From: rdwnj <>
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 6:37 PM
Subject: [Honda-C70] Re: Opps


depends on what you are talking about!? If you are talking C70s, then what year!?

Say 1980-81C70, then see pages 4, 41 through 49, especially 45 of the free online shop manual here
or elsewhere...

--- In, "cayman2653" <cayman2653@...> wrote:
> Sorry about this but I forgot one question; what should the float level be set at?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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