Re: [Honda-C70] 1981 turning but not starting


Erik, maybe that new spark plug is not sparking when there is compression
pressure to arc thru. Or maybe you don't have compression pressure because one
of the valves is not closing now for some reason? Maybe the points and/or other
parts of the ignition system are dirty enough that ignition performance is very
weak. Haven't inadvertently moved the red kill-switch handlebar lever, have you?
When you say you are getting fuel to the main and reserve lines, does that mean
you are sure fuel from those lines are in fact flowing into the float bowl?(I
may not be understanding what "unscrewed the drain screw on both lines" means
for sure.) Just throwing out some ideas. And wondering too...why did you
replace carb jets, mixture screw, idle screw, float-and-pin? How well did it
run before you changed those things?
John K.
in Indiana

From: errygg <>
Sent: Sat, October 1, 2011 1:56:39 PM
Subject: [Honda-C70] 1981 turning but not starting

I'm having a hard time getting my 1981 c70 to startup again after replacing some
parts and doing some minor maintenance.

I've replaced the starter solenoid, carb jets, mixture screw, idle screw, float
and pin, and tappet caps. While I had the tappets off, I adjusted the valves to
.002 with the fly at the "T" mark (TDC). I've also replaced the spark plug and
ensured there was a spark. Replaced the fuel and oil as well.

The flywheel is spinning with the starter button and the kick. I'm getting fuel
to the main and reserve lines (unscrewed the drain screw on both lines). My new
float is working because I'm not draining any fuel. I tried spraying some
starting fluid, but still doesn't start.

Any ideas to try?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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