Re: [Honda-C70] Engine brake-in


Did it ever run after the crash? How bad was the crash?
A simple knock off the bench can bent the shift shaft or the kickstarter shaft If the knock off the bench was done when the
side cover(s) is (are) off the crank can can get bent.
Portland OR

From: Jean Luc Picard <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:08 AM
Subject: [Honda-C70] Engine brake-in

So, I can't exactly get my bike to turn over. I personally think it's a problem I've manifested in the exhaust port, maybe not putting those gasket things in there properly, but my stepbrother suggested the engine needs to break in.

What do you guys think? The engine has been tipped a few times since the crash (during the crash, an accidental tipping on the block, & it sort of softly fell onto my foot when getting the frame off), over the course it has lost a little motor oil but the dip stick still says I'm good. The first kick since I fixed a problem w/ a sticking throttle it started to turn over but it was REALLY loud/thumpy & there was a bit of blue smoke, plus now exactly every other kick doesn't do anything but create a sort of scraping noise, like a key on piano wire (Doctor Who, anyone? :P)

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