I had the same problem, found two solutions--Either bend the clamp a bit tighter, or add shrink tubing to where the clamp goes in. I didn't heat the shrink tube directly on the fuel line since they already had fuel, I've got a punch the same diameter, used it to make sleeves.
--- In Honda-C70@yahoogroups.com, "Jean Luc Picard" <atari2600a@...> wrote:
> I'm sure many of us have had this problem before: You want to trick out your bike w/ transparent fuel lines so you head down to your local Autozone / O'Reilly & grab 2 of the closest-fitting 2' lines, but the original clips just slide right off, so then you head down to a hardware store & get those thicker clamps & they do a MUCH better job but they still feel loose.
> So, my question is will the fuel lines shrink or at least conform to the nozzles after a few bakes in the sun, or will they simply grow weaker & perform the same if not worse than the dry rotten stock hoses?
> You know, if these weren't FUEL lines I would have simply put them over an open flame to break them in, in retrospect I probably should have done that but you know how hard it is to get these hoses on when you don't do it gas tank first...
1970-73 C70 Honda Service Manual: http://tinyurl.com/6ebwtw
1970-73 C70 Troubleshooting Guide:
http://tinyurl.com/6ebwtw (scroll to sec.7.1 page 101.jpg)
1980-83 C70 Honda Service Manual: http://tinyurl.com/hu42c
1980-81 C70 Troubleshooting Guide:
http://tinyurl.com/hu42c (scroll to sec.18-1 page 170.jpg)
1982-83 C70 Troubleshooting Guide:
http://tinyurl.com/hu42c (scroll to sec. 20-28 page 205.jpg)
1980-81 C70 Maintenance Schedule: http://tinyurl.com/z4zn6
1982-83 C70 Maintenance Schedule: http://tinyurl.com/hw35c
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